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Fireworks and loud sounds training


Do you want your dog to better cope with firework sounds and other loud noises? Do you notice that your dog is sometimes a bit insecure and tense during walks in general? This course is ideal for: - Dogs adopted from abroad or elsewhere - And of course, all other dogs of any age - All other dogs that experience some tension and insecurity on the street - Dogs that are not yet fearful, and you want to prevent it In this masterclass, you will receive practical tools, including detailed training plans and video explanations, to increase your dog's confidence daily, to react more neutrally to stimuli, and to pay more attention to you. The most important thing is that the training is easy to apply in daily life, with small steps and minimal extra effort. At the end of this masterclass: - You have all the tools you need to make your dog much more resilient to sounds and other loud noises with just 10 minutes of training every day, and even potentially eliminate the fear. - You have all the tools you need to offer the most relaxed New Year's possible to your already very anxious dog, and next year, how to train away the fear. - You know how to boost your dog's confidence with just 10 minutes of training every day.

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€ 22,50
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